Heydog said, in part,
"...once a person is determined to be a child molester (even if they never get disfellowshipped for it), they can NEVER serve in any capacity at the Kingdom Hall."
I'm going to challenge that. In the past the WTB&TS has clearly stated that after a period of time such a brother CAN serve, and that theory has been proven in practice; it has happened.
I left in the mid-late 1970s and I was only an MS and pioneer when I did, so there is a gulf of time and "hands-on experience" between us. I was in the Middle Village, Queens, New York City congregation, and my terminal issue was a serial pedophile we had in our congregation who was one of the "6-month wonders" we had back then prior to Armageddon coming in 1975. Remember that? I hear that today Armageddon is ALMOST as close as it was in 1974! Anyway, I learned of this because one of the Elders on the committee that investigated this ABOMINATION was disgusted that the other elders (they are all dead now) wanted to protect Jehovah's name by doing NOTHING. This Elder and I were close friends and he came to me in anguish over what "justice" he had seen. He was shattered. I shattered too. He stayed, I left.
A while after this, Brother Serial Pedophile decided to marry a sister in another congregation who had two small children (her husband left her when she became a JW). The Elders never felt they ought to go to this sister and warn her about what she was marrying. They were married in a Kingdom Hall.
If I need to, I'l try to find references that support my argument.
Welcome aboard, I hope you stick around, Heydog!